Monthly Archives: April 2016

Professional Carpet Cleaning And Health

Professional Carpet Cleaning And Health Benefits:

If you ever had your carpets cleaned professionally in your home, then it is no surprise to you that carpet cleaning can improve the appearance of your home, not to mention extend the life of your carpets. There are also health benefits to professionally cleaning your carpets, especially those who suffer from asthma.

According to the environmental protection agency, carpets will retain air pollutants, and all sorts of allergens, such as pet dander, lead, dirt and dust. These will contaminate the air in your home. Professional carpet cleaning will kill those bacteria through special shampooing solutions and high-powered vacuuming, hot water or steam cleaning, which will remove the pollutants that are trapped deeply in your carpets.

Professional carpet cleaning will also remove dust mite infestations and prevent mold growth. Mold is very dangerous to your health and having your carpets cleaned on a regular basis can prevent mold and mildew growth. Carpet cleaners will use high-powered drying machines to completely dry your carpets and by that, eliminate moisture.

So don’t ignore these important issue and think about making your house look clean and fresh again, with the added bonus of improving the air quality of your home! #asthmarelief

15 tips of how to become a better pet ow

15 tips of how to become a better pet owner:
Everyone says that their pets are like family member, but do we really know what’s best for them and how to properly take care of them? Here are 15 tips on how to become a better pet owner:
1. Leave the TV or the radio around when you leave the house, it will relieve their separation anxiety feeling like there’s still someone in the house.
2. Make sure your pet has a name tag and a reflective collar. Even if they’re indoor pets, you never know when you might need it.
3. Date someone who loves animals or has a pet themselves. Same goes if you’re living with a roommate, make sure the roommate and your pet like each other.
4. Feed your pet every day at the same time so they know when to expect their meal. Even on days you want to sleep in, get up and feed them, then go back to bed.
5. Don’t give your pet table scraps. There are many food items that will hurt your pet and make them sick. Why take a risk?
6. Make sure you clip your pet’s nails with a nail clipper designed for pets. You’re less likely to cut too high up the nail that they bleed.
7. Spend time every day playing with your pet.
8. A good idea to keep a bell on their collar so you know where they are at all times, especially for those trouble makers who like to get into everything.
9. Have a special bed or blanket for them so they know they have a place of their own to sleep. And just in case you need to take them to the vet, you take their bed or blanket with them so they feel comfortable in a strange place.
10. Change their water every day. Refreshing water keeps your pets healthy.
11. Take your dog for a walk or a run every day. Get them active. You will both feel great.
12. Brush their teeth and fur.
13. Pet proof your house to keep your pets from getting into things that might harm them like household products or food.
14. Love them and make them part of your family. They are pack creatures and need that family love.
15. Spay or neuter your pet.

We love our cuddly companions even when

We love our cuddly companions even when sometimes they have an accident on our carpets. The smell will linger for days and the stain will stay on the carpet unless you properly remove it. Hopefully your pet did not discover a new bathroom habit. Don’t despair – New York Carpet Cleaning, Inc. can help you use common household items that can eliminate these pet odors and stains and bring your home back to a pleasant place to live.
Using White Vinegar: If the urine is still wet on your carpet, use white vinegar to blot the area. Do not rob in. White vinegar neutralizes odors because of its high acidity. It works well on stains that sat on the carpet for a while. Mix the white vinegar with equal quantity of cold water. Pour mixture over the stained carpet. Blot well, then just let it dry. Good idea to place a fan near by for fast drying time. Once the carpet is dry, vacuum the area.
Using Baking Soda: For a spot that has dried, sprinkle baking soda over the urine area. Let it sit for a few hours then vacuum. While baking soda sits on the carpet, keep pets away from that area. Although baking soda is safe, if a pet inhales it, it will cause stomach upset.
Using Club Soda: It works great for any top of stain, though you might need to reapply a few times. Blot the urine area, then pour club soda over the spot. When the soda has stopped fizzing, blot spot again and repeat if necessary. You might need to use baking soda if the spot has been there for a while.
The above home solutions are easy to use, readily available, and safe for your pets if used correctly. It feels great to keep your house clean and smelling fresh for just pennies. Please make sure to check back with us for additional tips on how to make your home a great place to be.
#petstainremoval #petodorremoval #homeimprovement #carpetcleaning #pet #homecleaning

We love our cuddly companions even when

We love our cuddly companions even when sometimes they have an accident on our carpets. The smell will linger for days and the stain will stay on the carpet unless you properly remove it. Hopefully your pet did not discover a new bathroom habit. Don’t despair – New York Carpet Cleaning, Inc. can help you use common household items that can eliminate these pet odors and stains and bring your home back to a pleasant place to live.
Using White Vinegar: If the urine is still wet on your carpet, use white vinegar to blot the area. Do not rob in. White vinegar neutralizes odors because of its high acidity. It works well on stains that sat on the carpet for a while. Mix the white vinegar with equal quantity of cold water. Pour mixture over the stained carpet. Blot well, then just let it dry. Good idea to place a fan near by for fast drying time. Once the carpet is dry, vacuum the area.
Using Baking Soda: For a spot that has dried, sprinkle baking soda over the urine area. Let it sit for a few hours then vacuum. While baking soda sits on the carpet, keep pets away from that area. Although baking soda is safe, if a pet inhales it, it will cause stomach upset.
Using Club Soda: It works great for any top of stain, though you might need to reapply a few times. Blot the urine area, then pour club soda over the spot. When the soda has stopped fizzing, blot spot again and repeat if necessary. You might need to use baking soda if the spot has been there for a while.
The above home solutions are easy to use, readily available, and safe for your pets if used correctly. It feels great to keep your house clean and smelling fresh for just pennies. Please make sure to check back with us for additional tips on how to make your home a great place to be.
#petstainremoval #petodorremoval #homeimprovement #carpetcleaning #pet #homecleaning